
Our primary objectives as missionary church plants are:

1. Connecting and helping people and their communities in crucial areas of need such as: Family, Health, Education, Nutrition, Infrastructure, Economic Development, and Spiritual Growth. This connection builds a bridge of trust and helps us to earn our right to be heard.

2. Bringing the Gospel to unreached people groups in creative and non-conventional ways.

3. Discipling and mentoring the new believers by demonstrating the love of Jesus in our every action and personally connecting them with the new person they are in Christ.

4.Equipping and training those who are pastoring our existing churches as well as those who have discovered a new calling to serve in spreading the Good News of Jesus. 

Our model is based on the calling to reach all nations found in Matthew 28:19. We follow God’s lead in order to meet people where they are, engage and build relationships with them, and learn about their needs and how we can help. We strive to demonstrate the Gospel, share the Good News, and disciple and equip locals to live an abundant, personal life of growth and development in their relationship with Christ.

Mission House Mexico - Staff

Eli &

Directors of Mission House Mexico & Pastors of Ichmul, Yuc.

Amado & Lorena

Pastors of San Francisco and Chan Calotmul, Yuc.

Christian & Narahim

Directors of Communications & Pastoral Training